Friday, October 7, 2011

all work and no play

makes Cherri a very dull girl.

I am applying for jobs.  It's an arduous process.  I found a couple in Texas that would put me close to my Little Ruth, so I sure enough am hoping for one of them.  There are a few good ones that would be such a much better fit for my talents.

I have missed you sisters.  Tonight I was in TJMaxx looking at little girl clothes.  I think I'm going to be a better honorary aunt for Jordyn than for Jace, haha.

But I can say I sent him some monkey Paul Frank shirts from Target and he likes them and wears them to school.  Man, I wish I could be there to go to the park with him and let Jennifer sleep with Jordyn some afternoons. 

Anyhow, I'll show you the cover of my upcoming novel.  I have a big day tomorrow with a conference I have to drive to with two students.  Then it calms down but I go to Bethel with about half our congregation next Sunday-Tuesday.  Maybe then, some downtime?  I wish.

Goodnight.  I got an early and long day tomorrow.

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