Friday, August 12, 2011


When Carly was a baby, I called her that sometimes.  She is 22 now and dragged me out of bed to go to garage sales.  She found a 50's album/record cabinet for $2.  Yes, it needs a new finish.  Yes, her sander works great.  Yes, it is made of solid wood.  Can't get anything that good these days.

And another cabinet for $12, also solid wood.  So this should keep her out of my hair.

When we got home, two sisters from our congregation were driving by our house.  One of them, Lesley, is looking for a new place to rent.  I sure would like to have a sister for a neighbor.  Sadly, our place is big and also full, no vacancies.  I would like one of my neighbors to get out of here now, haha.

It is very hard to find a place to live here that is updated or new. 

Still, it would be cool to be close to an elder and his wife. 

Lana is doing well and coming over Wednesday.  How's that for a recovery?  Great, I think.

That six hours sleep I got ran out a long time ago.  And worldly people at garage sales will knock you down to beat you to a good deal.  Whew.

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