Funny the things that are celebrated in this system. Satan has the biggest con game in the world going. Everyone out there is celebrating their independence from everything, they are all acting as free agents, and all of them worship the Devil in some way or another. That's something my students learn in my classes. Humans have the innate desire to worship, and all do, even the aetheists. They worship themselves,or their presumed intellect, or celebrities or even, around here, the Steeler Nation. Last Superbowl Sunday, half the congregation here was wearing black and yellow. I wondered if we'd be so eager to wear Jehovah's colors, if he ever gave us a uniform. Sometimes I think too much, overthinking everything. Maybe this is one of those times. I don't know.
Here's something I'm wondering about lately. Sin. No, I'm not thinking about doing it. I do plenty of it without planning it. I was thinking about how once Adam and Eve sinned they were no longer perfect. Scientists today say that the human body is miraculous, that it has the code to repair itself over and over, and somehow the switch is thrown that it stops doing it.
When Jennifer and Jamie moved back to Arkansas (where he's from) from Florida (her home) his first talk was splendid. Oh He gave some as public speakers, and Jamie is one of those. He talked about the aging process. As a child, we constantly make more new cells than we cast off, hence growth. Then we hit a balance where we make as many as we shed, and that is our prime. Then each day, we shed just a few more than we make, and each day that gap widens until we are 80, should we be so blessed, and it takes a month to get over a cold that everyone in the prime years gets over in three days.
Bronchitis this past year gave me month-long periods of misery. Carly had the same thing for ten days. I am thinking please Jehovah I do not want to die but I do not want to be 80 in this old system.
What I am wondering about is when Jehovah threw the switch on Adam and Eve. The moment they sinned, or the moment he faced them in the garden wearing leaves, or the moment they were forced out of the garden or some other moment I'm not counting? Yesterday in our public talk, the brother (from Bedford, forgive me I don't remember the name) said that Adam and Eve did not put us in this sorry state. It is by Jehovah's provision that he allowed them to have children so that we had the opportunity for the outworking of his purpose.
They put themselves in it, but we're here because Jehovah let them live for the rest of that day.
But I stray from my original musing. I was thinking about perfect Eve being seduced into eating that fruit and taking it to Adam. Was she imperfect then because she had already eaten the fruit? I think she must have been. And I think the moment Adam shared the fruit with her, he became imperfect.
The reason I think this is because when Jehovah asked them during the evening breeze in the garden why they were hiding their nakedness, they must have already been imperfect. Oh, nothing as bad as us deteriorated 6,000 years later, but the switch thrown, nonetheless.
I think this because I am a poet by training. A four-year graduate degree in poetry from one of the top programs in the country. And so I have read Psalms and Song of Songs with a considered eye. And the first poem in the history of humans: This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.
Adam had spent a lot of times with bug bones and reptile flesh.
So then Jehovah says what have you done, and Adam right away says: It was that woman you gave me!
How long were they in the garden together? If they were perfect and they were intimate, Eve would have gotten pregnant the first time the cycle came up ripe. Maybe. I don't know. But it wouldn't have taken them very many months, would it? Perhaps Jehovah had a hand in that, gave them a honeymoon period. I am overthinking and speculating.
But presumably Eve was not pregnant when they were cast out of the garden, or the embryo, considered a life by Jehovah, would not also have had the switch turned off. So, however long Adam and Eve were together in Eden, that is how long it took for Eve to go from "bone of my bones" to "that woman you gave me."
That had to be a bitter pill to swallow. How many wives want to hear their beloved call them "that woman I married" with such rancor in his voice?
The reason I think Adam was already imperfect from the moment he bit that fruit is because surely a perfect man would not have spoken like that of his wife. If he was still perfect, then I am not sure I want a husband even in the new world. I want to complete and complement someone, but not someone capable of such calumny. So these are my rambling thoughts on this day about independence. And I know Jehovah will have the answers for me in the new scrolls, and He will satisfy the desire of every living thing.
I just like thinking is my problem now.
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