Monday, July 11, 2011

the past tense of wick

When Carly was acquiring language, I wrote a letter "A" and asked her what it was.  Her favorite movie at the time was Disney's Pocahontas and she looks at the A and says a teepee with long legs.  Kimberly is more of a Belle girl (something about both being brunettes) but she did like shapes and colors better than numbers.  When I drew an A for her, she looks at it and says, "It's a triangle with lines."
I've done this all their lives, worked on their vocabularies, their language.  Once I showed Kimberly the word wicked and said do you know this word?
"Sure," she answered.  "It's the past tense of wick."
And as a child, I marveled endlessly over why the words demon and lemon looked like they rhymed, even though they don't sound alike.
As a mom, I marvel over daughter and laughter, daughter and water.
I've tried to write poems like Psalms, with each verse starting with the next letter of the alphabet.  In a class one time, the teacher asked if anyone knew any other alphabets, and sure enough, it was the south, so someone knew the Spanish alphabet, and someone knew Greek from a sorority.  Me, I raised my hand and rattled off the Hebrew alphabet.  The Greek corresponding letters are alpha beta:  hence, alpha-bet.  I suppose if we used Hebrew, we'd have an aleph-beth. 
Perhaps that is what we'll call it in the pure language.  Perhaps Jehovah will zap it in my head the way he unzapped it at Babel or the way he zapped language at Pentecost 33 CE.  Maybe in the new world, the past tense of wick is what we will talk about when we talk about now, only then it will be past. 
The girls had "Raymond" on while I graded papers and it was an episode where Ally wants to talk about babies, not in terms of how they get here - sex - but in terms of why God put babies on earth in the first place.  "Why are we on earth if we just go to heaven later?"  And I thought woohoo!  Is there a JW writing for this show?

I wish it would make a lot of people think.  On another show, a drama about an FBI behavioral analysis unit that finds serial killers, one of the agents is questioning the job they do, how it never gets better, there are always more bad guys to catch, and I think well, yeah, you can't really think the government is going to ever make headway fixing anything, do you?

Do people think that?  That it will get better without divine intervention?  Do they worry humans will grind the earth into oblivion?  That's what it must look like to Hollywood.  They have so many somewhat plausible scenarios for the end of the world.  A new polar ice age.  Ebola.  A cancer vaccine gone hideously mutated.  Meteor crashing.  Super novas.  Aliens of all manner and variety. 

When September 11, 2001 unfolded, I was a grad student at the University of Arkansas and I was just getting my spiritual feet back under me (which is another story) and the secretary in the English department was also a sister.  Everyone was so shook up that day.  Glued to the TV, thinking this was the end of the world, and filling their cars up with gas and yanking all their money out at the ATM.  Julie and I just went to Taco Place for lunch thinking well, if this is it, so be it.  What security there is in trusting the future and the Creator.

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