Monday, September 12, 2011

At least the sun was out today . . .

The problem is, I wasn't out anywhere.  It was on my mind to blog about that incredible WT yesterday, but I had a long day at school and now my brain is dead.  Three times in the fall semester we have a visiting writer come to our campus and we extend hospitality.  The writer gives a master class, then a reading then we all go out to dinner.

I had about $18 in sushi on the departmental dime, so I am thrilled about that.  California roll and spicy tuna if you are wondering.  But that means from six p.m. till ten p.m., my schedule was eaten alive.  I came home, graded a set of journals, and now to bed.  And Tuesday/Thursday I have a 9:30 class.  I never volunteer to teach that early, but it is an override class meaning I am teaching one extra for bonus money to pay tuition for a future cosmetologist.  So I must be up and going early tomorrow.

I suppose I am whining.  The third week of school and I'm already ready to be finished!  I like what I do but I wish it was not so intense or something.

I wish I just had time to hang out with sisters all the time.  That makes my heart happy, but doesn't pay these stupid bills.

Jennifer went to the doctor today and no change as of yet.  She had Jace early.  Jordyn may go longer.  As long as everyone is healthy, I won't mind.  I was packing up the baby stuff I've been buying lately (did you know they make little pink knee pads for crawling?  I am a sucker for the stuff I never saw when my girls were babies).  I have a great sturdy box but it isn't full.  So I asked Jennifer did she stock up on maxi pads yet for the postpartum period and she said no, she forgot that part. 

It is so unfair that the one biological fringe benefit of pregnancy (no monthly cycle!) is paid back after the baby arrives.  I understand it, but it is such a complicated struggle to be nursing a baby and feel like you need to change your own diaper.  Do you just sit there and try not to breathe? 

So I stuffed the top of the box from our coupon store in the basement.  It's nice how Jehovah uses me in small ways from time to time.  I'm getting them in the mail tomorrow, parcel post, so anytime after five or six days Jordyn can arrive!  Oh beautiful baby I wish I could be there.

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