Sunday, September 18, 2011

white-collar tragedy tour

Yeah, nothing funny you could sell tickets for to that.  That's the story of my life lately though.  I had insomnia last night and did not go to sleep till nearly five a.m., or about the time my little Ruth is getting up.  So I slept like I was on drugs till 11, missed meeting totally, decided to get caught up in my office.

Well, I did.  Adminstratively, a lot of big projects.  Student project, you name it.  I came home feeling pretty good about how much I accomplished but I realized I still have stuff to ready for Jennifer and mail and stuff to email back to Thea.  So now I feel like a double slug loser.

Seriously, a slimy big slug oozing around trying to get my life together.  I got a lot of people trying to squish me flat or pour salt all over me at school.  Worldly people are mean.

How about:

The United Brotherhood Perfection Tour?  Let's get tickets for that.  In the meantime, I am so tired I feel like I am swimming in the caramel swim lane of a new Milky Way candy bar commercial.  Goodnight, Sisters.

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